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Note Highway
Note Highway
Mixed Reality (Passthrough)
Old help file: ​
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(PC) Create a drum chart for the Note Highways
VR Drums Ultimate Streamer can read ".chart" drum charts out of the box.
Make a custom drum chart to any song you like that can be played by others in-game if you share it. You just need the .MP3 audio file to start. (.OGG also supported)
Moonscaper Chart Editor
Free Chart Editor (VRDUS compatible). Popular and widely used chart editor you can make a drum chart to any song with.
FeedBack Chart Editor
Free Chart Editor (VRDUS compatible)
Info and tutorials on how to chart notes to any song can be found on the web. We have a short guide on how to chart for the for the FeedBack Chart Editor in the old help guide on the ACC GitHib page.

(PC) Save a Drum Kit to File
You can export your current in-game saved drum kit to a single file for a backup for your personal collection or just an extra backup file.
Use the included "Companion Application". There is a launch option for it when you launch the game in Steam.

Option: Launch the Companion App manually. Find "Companion Application.exe" in the games roots installation folder.
Where is games root installation? Where are Steam games installed? Info​
(PC) How to use custom MIDI soundfonts (.sf2)
If you don't have any hardware MIDI devices for use with the game, there are plenty of ways and free third party applications you can use to change your default Windows MIDI sounds. Look on the web to find what app works best for you. Below is great free software that you can use to customize VRDUS. It has also been tested with VRDUS.
1.) Virtual MIDI Synth
This free application acts as a virtual hardware MIDI device, you can use in Windows. You can even add custom soundfonts, for use with VRDUS. Install link below and setup your settings and soundfonts.
2.) MIDI Mapper (Optional)
Only needed for advanced settings. Discard this read below.
3.) Load the game and enable MIDI in the MIDI tab. At anytime select Virtual MIDI Synth as your output MIDI for VRDUS. You can do this by ltaking off your VR headset and looking at your PC monitor with the MIDI interface options.
The forum has some .sf2 MIDI soundfont files that you can use right now with VRDUS and Virtual MIDI Synth.
(PC & Meta Quest) Play .mid Song Charts
VRDUS supports .chart files out of the box, some other games may use .mid charted files. These can be converted quickly for free. Open the .mid chart in Moonscraper. Export it as notes.chart, and it's done.
Moonscaper - Download Free
Load the notes.mid chart in Moonscraper File>Load.

Once the chart is loaded click File>Export.

The .mid is now a .chart file. It can now be played in VRDUS. Make sure you follow filename formats below in each your songs folder.
song.ogg (Song name and extension won't matter .mp3 also supported)
Find the song folder in VRDUS and select the song you just exported.
Q: Where do I put my custom song folders on Quest?android/data/com.aliencybercoat.vrdus/files
Add Custom Songs
​Q: Where do I find note highway songs with drum charts?
Drum charts are located all over the internet, you will have to search around. Google "Clone Hero drum charts". You can even find drum charts on YouTube, search "Clone Hero drum charts". There are some sites dedicated to custom drum charts.
.chart Files
The .chart file format is support out of the box. You will see notes.chart in your custom song folders that you have.
Q: Where do I put my custom songs on PCVR?
They can be located anywhere on your PC, even external drives. Find your files in the note highway file browser in-game and select one, it will load up, it does not matter where they are located on your PC. See "Required" below.
Q: Where do I put my custom songs on Quest?
Place them in the location shown above. The file browser in VRDUS will manually load up this location in-game on your Meta Quest when you select the note highway. You can find the note highway browser by selecting the "MAIN" tab in the menu, than selecting the graphical "Note Highway" button located on the left side of the menu. See "Playing The Custom Songs" below.
If you have a PC uzip the song folders and than connect your Meta Quest via USB cable and transfer songs from your PC to your headset using the SideQuestVR app.
If you don't have a PC to transfer files, unzip song folders using Mobile VR Station.

Download Mobile VR Station - Use it to unzip custom song folders onto your Quest.
Song Folders
Song folders are just like other song folders from other games, they contain the files needed to play that custom song. They follow a standard format just like a Clone Hero song folder, and other games.
album.png (Must be .png if a .jpg rename to .png manually)
notes.chart (Must be named notes.chart)
song.mp3 (Song name and extension don't matter .ogg is also supported)
Playing The Custom Songs
Select the "Note Highway" option located on the "MAIN" menu tab.

The note highway file browser will appear, this is the browser you will use to find your song folders that you saved, or downloaded to your device.
If you are on PC click the "GO Directory Up" button to search your devices file system and locate where you have saved your song folders.
If you are using Meta Quest the file browser will load up your files located in the location listed above, when you select the note highway button. Select the song folder to open it and show its contents in the browser. Select the audio file from within the song folder it will be something like "song'mp3 or music.ogg". See what is needed in each song folder in the above Required section above.

My .Chart File Won't Play
Make sure the file is a .chart file. Also the song is a single track song "song.mp3" and not a chart with multiple sound files, guitar.mp3, bass.mp3, rhythm.mp3, voice.mp3 etc.
If those two steps are correct and you still can't play your .chart file. It could be how the charters application saved the chart itself. Right click the chart file in Windows and open it in any text editor, if you are on the Meta Quest, you can download or use any text editor on the Quest. If the SyncTrack is separated by brackets by itself, this will cause a bug and the song to not play, listed below is a quick fix and solution. Find the [SyncTrack] and just swap TS under B. Example images below.

Error Way (TS over B)

Correct Way (Swap B over TS)
(PC & Meta Quest) Pedal Controls
Pedals On Buttons (Default) VR Controllers
Both foot pedals bass and hi-hat button control is on the right controller primary and secondary button presses.
Pedals On Mouse
A mouse can be connected and the buttons can be used for bass and hihat pedals.
Pedals On Keyboard
Connect a keyboard to control pedals use keyboard keys or map a custom rig.
Bass (Spacebar)
Hihat (K Key)
Independent Bass/Hat Pedal Buttons VR Controllers
If you wish to use pedals independently bass/hihat on separate controllers L/R go to the main and click the "Extra Settings" button. Check the box "Independent pedals" to move the bass pedal to the left controllers primary button while hihat stays on your right controller.
Double Bass Buttons VR Controllers
Main menu, Extra Settings, Double Bass.
Single Or Double Bass On Triggers VR Controllers
Main menu, Extra Settings, Double Bass On Triggers option.
Physical USB/Bluetooth Foot Pedals
You can connect a USB foot pedal, gamepad or anything that will be recognized by Windows or the Quest as a device controller, standard gamepad. PC has multiple USB ports, but if you are on a Meta Quest, you can use a USB hub to connect multiple pedals.
Device 1: button 1 bass / button 2 hihat
Device 2: button 1 hihat
Testers were using PCsensor foot pedals but any hardware should world similar.

Use USB pedal as gamepad or map a key with 3rd party software. We recommend "Single Press" for hardware.

(PC & Quest) Save Custom Drum Layout & Setup
You can save your layout, cymbals and drum heads and return to it next time you play. When you have your kit laid out and everything the way you like it, click the gear icon on the synthesizer located to your upper left. This will bring up the menu and settings for the game. Click the "Drum Builder" tab and click "Save". The next time you play you can press "Load" and your drum kit setup will return how you left it during your last save.
The "Save" and" Load" buttons under "Drum Builder" settings tab.

If you want to save multiple drum kit layouts you can export a kit as a file and use it later. See below.
PC export kit as file: See Instructions
Meta Quest export kit as file: See Instructions
(PC) Custom Face Texture
Use this custom UV map to overlay and paint whatever you want onto your drummers face/head in whatever image editor you choose. Select "Custom" Click image to enlarge and download. Also get it on ACC GitHub.

Once you are done save the image file as a JPG or PNG, you can name the filename whatever you want. In the "Drummer" tab enable "Head" and then "Custom" checkbox that appears. Enter the location where you saved the image, either a local HD address or internet address.
1. Local HD "C:\myfiles\customface3.jpg"​​
2. Web Address "Http://"

(Meta Quest) Save Drum Kit
Click the gear looking on the synthesizer to bring up the games settings. Now click the Drum Builder" tab in the the menu, and click the "Save" button. A file will be written to your Meta Quest with your drum settings. You can see the location to it below. You can now shut down the game or your headset and your drum kit will still be there next time you play. When you return to the next time you play, go to the "Drum Builder" tab again and click the "Load" button, the drum kit you saved will be loaded back into game with your current settings. Nothing more is needed to be done.
If you want to create a backup of a file of the saved kit, to save or share. Read the steps below.
Save Kit As File​
The file being saved and used in-game is "playerprefs.xml" location is listed below. You will have to copy this file manually for now. Future builds may include an update. You can find the file in one of these locations on your Meta Quest.
You can save/backup the "playerprefs.xml" file after you save your drum kit in-game. You can save the "playerprefs.xml" anywhere for backup and rename them to whatever you wish. (example: metal kit.xml)
When you want to reload these files, rename it back to "playerprefs.xml" and overwrite the "playerprefs.xml" on your headset, location of file above, and then click "Load" in-game under the "Drum Builder" settings tab.
This process may be made easier in a future update.
PCVR Technical
Q: Missing or delayed hits?
If you have to many lights or cameras enabled you can take a performance hit on your PC if your GPU/CPU can't handle it, causing the physics to get bottle necked. Disable some lights or use the performance mode listed in the main settings tab to free up some of your system resources for physics to operate freely.
Q: My hardware pedals work but sometimes they misfunction?
You can try to enable the (KMAP) option in the games settings menu under main/settings. Map your pedal as the spacebar.
If your pedals have software configuration for functionality please try its different modes with gameplay like single press or long press. We recommend single press. Please contact for more help. (See screenshot below)
Q: I rarely loose tracking and drumming
Menu > Sticks > Cycle Physics will refresh physics framework and any errors with drumming.

In VRDUS find the MIDI tab, then check Enable MIDI.
If you don't have connected MIDI hardware synthesizers for use. You can still use MIDI on your PC.
You can use this as a virtual connected synthesizer in Windows, also you can load custom soundfonts to use. Select Virtual Midi Synth in VRDUS as your MIDI output device. You can set any MIDI output device by looking at your PC monitor for the MIDI interface options. This interface is also good for testing that your MIDI setup is working.

Virtual MIDI Synth application settings uder MIDI Mapper. Output device and default device.

Meta Quest Technical
Q: Can I run the Quest 3 120HZ refresh rate 3 mode?
VRDUS has been tested running in 120HZ. Although it will run you may encounter some in-game glitches or drum effects. It is recommend you run in the game in the default 90HZ.
Q: My hardware pedals work but sometimes they misfunction?
Enable the (KMAP) option in the games settings menu under main/settings. Map your pedal as the spacebar.
If your pedals have software configuration for functionality please try its different modes with gameplay like single press or long press. We recommend single press. Please contact for more help.
Q: I rarely loose tracking and drumming
Menu > Sticks > Cycle Physics will refresh physics framework and any errors with drumming.
Q: I can't access my files?
If you are having trouble getting to your files make sure you have the "Read/Write" permission enabled for VRDUS on your apps permission in Meta Quest. If you are still having trouble accessing your files, place them on your Meta Quest in the location android/data/com.aliencybercoat.vrdus/files
Where do I get custom songs for note highway?
​Q: Where do I find note highway songs with charts?
This is just one example of a site that host charted music files made for other games like Guitar Hero and Rockband, that will work in VRDUS. You can even search YouTube, example "Clone Hero Drum chart download".​
You can use any site like this and more, you must add your own custom song folders.
VRDUS supports Clone Hero drum charts if they are a single track song with a (.chart) file. If they are a .mid file with multiple audio files they can be converted to .chart with free tool Moonscraper Chart Editor in seconds. More here
​​Most of these charting sites have listed or displayed what instruments come charted with the song. Make sure you find the charts that have the drums included. In the example below, the site list what instruments are charted.
The top listing has no drum chart with it, the other song listing below does contain a drum chart with 2 black dots, that indicate level 2 difficultly for drumming. Find and choose any difficultly you want. We recommend 1-4 difficulty.

Playing Audio Files (.MP3 .OGG .WAV)
Download or transfer your MP3 files or audio files you want to your device. Place them anywhere you wish in the file system. Once your audio files are on your device somewhere, select the "Audio Player" option in the main menu. ​

The in-game file browser will appear on your right. You can enter EDIT MODE and move it anywhere you wish. Use the "Go Up Directory" to access the file system and directories on your device. Find and locate your .MP3 file where you placed it on your device. Select the file and the audio will start playing. To restart the song, just click the file in the file browser again. ​
vRDUS will support playing .MP3 .WAV and .OGG audio files.

Q: Why is the music player not working in Meta Quest?
vRDUS need to access the Quest storage or SD card to access the file system on the Quest. Make sure you have READ permission enabled on you device for vRDUS. Under the Oculus settings you can toggle any requested permissions for each app.
Other Options To Play Music:
Spotify (Option 2)
Open Spotify web player on Meta/Oculus browser, play any song, go to the game and then with a PC or phone hit play while Spotify is being connected to the web player.
Check out this video for more info: Basti564 Spotify Tool
Casting your screen and game content is enabled on the Meta Quest version. Cast your game anywhere you like.
Line Splitter
Use a headphone split adapter from Amazon that allows you to connect the adapter to headset headphone jack and also a line in source for audio and also plug in your headphones.

(Quest) Mixed Reality (Passthrough)
You can blend the drum kit or the highway arcade game with your real world environment in realtime with the AR option provided in-game. See instructions below.
Safe Passthrough: You won't have to worry about tapping your hands together by mistake. Use this mode if you don't plan to use hand tracking.
Hand Tracking +​ Passthrough: Experimental mode.

In the "Menu tab" you can find the options to enable AR. This allows the game to interact with the real world or see your real environment in-game.

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